A typical day in the classroom for our Joyful Discovery preschoolers:
9:30 Entry activity
9:50 Circle time: prayer, calendar, music, movement
10:10 Theme activity: story, literacy, math, art, social studies, or science
10:40 Snack
11:00 Recess: outdoors or in the gym, depending on weather
11:25 Small group learning
11:40 Center time
12:15 Closing circle: story, song, packing up
12:30 Lunch Bunch
CLASSES Offered at JDP

TODDLER TIME 2s - Otter Class
Fridays, 9:30am-11:30pm
Our 2s class is an introduction to a positive school experience in a fun, hands-on learning environment. Toddlers attend the class with their caregiver, who is there for comfort and support. Both the child and caregiver get to learn from our experienced 2's teacher who facilitates meaningful play experiences. Children are introduced to sensory play and thematic activities, and can explore centers around the room. ($110/month)
* Must be 2 by August 31st
3s - Bear Class
Mon/Wed/Fri, 9:30-12:30 p.m.
Our 3's class learns, discovers and grows through a child-centered, thematic based curriculum, where students are engaged in learning early academic skills, as well as social, emotional, and spiritual development. We focus on building readiness skills for learning, such as listening and direction following, along with fostering language development. The literacy component of the 3's class will focus on letter recognition and formation (both upper and lower case), phonemic awareness, pre-writing development and early reading skills. In math, our 3's explore number sense, shape recognition and problem solving skills using a variety of manipulatives, projects, and explorations. Through fun, purposeful activities, social studies and science will be introduced. Character education is a fundamental part of our curriculum and we focus on friendship skills, problem solving, values, and spiritual growth. Daily movement and music, as well as process based art explorations using a variety of techniques and materials, enrich the classroom. Gross motor outside on our playground and in our gym round out the exciting 3's curriculum. ($375/month)
Stay and join us for Lunch Bunch! 12:30-1:15 p.m.
Children enrolled in our fun lunch bunch program remain with us until 1:15 p.m. It's a wonderful way for children to learn responsibility and independence as well as have fun with their friends. These skills are especially important as they prepare to head off to the “big school” and kindergarten, where they are one of many in a busy lunchroom. (Tuition including lunch bunch: $415/month)
* Must be 3 and fully potty trained by August 31st

PRE-K – Owl + Fox Classes
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays + Thursdays, 9:30-1:15 p.m.
Our Pre-Kindergarten classroom will prepare the students academically, socially and spiritually for a smooth transition into kindergarten. We will continue to concentrate on literacy development by exploring letters, sounds and words, while supporting emergent readers and writers. Handwriting will be developed by strengthening fine motor skills through practical life exercises and focusing on proper pencil grip. The students will continue to grow in their understanding of math concepts and processes through a hands-on, manipulative based program. Preparing students for success in kindergarten also includes fostering independence, teaching responsibility and working cooperatively with peers. This Pre-K experience focuses on the whole child while building on individual strengths and skills to encourage confidence and kindergarten readiness. ($485/month)
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is a wonderful way for children to learn responsibility and independence as well as have fun with their friends. These skills are especially important as they prepare to head off to the “big school” and kindergarten, where they are one of many in a busy lunchroom.
* Must be 4 by August 31

Fridays, 9:30-1:15 p.m.
This popular class has a science and art focus that complements our Pre-K curriculum. The class size is limited to 14 students with 2 teachers. When interest exceeds space, enrollment will be determined by lottery. ($175/month)
* Must be enrolled in Pre-K at Joyful Discovery Preschool